Spring Fever, Clinics

The last two days have been very nice up here in Truckee-Reno on the Truckee River. The river is in great shape, and the fishing is very good for this time of year. A man could get Spring Fever. Water clarity is actually pretty good, a tad bit off color, but hell, I like it a bit off color. Anyway you want to shake a stick at them will produce. Nymphing, streamers, drys. It’ll all work at some point in the day right now. I’ve been mostly fishing a big dry with droppers, and you’d be surprised who will come take a look at the dry. Stuck some on streamers, and b-dubs this week as well. We have some mild cold fronts pushing through this next week, as long as it ain’t to windy, the fishing will be good.

Some news on the home front. I’m going to do a Spring Fever clinic next month, I’ll post more on that later. It will be limited to six people, and be a Saturday, or Sunday on the third, or fourth weekend in April. It will be for intermediate to advanced anglers. We will cover progressive techniques to catch Truckee River trout. Nymphing, streamers, and dry droppers, and how to rig them with what type of rods. It will get you all primed up for the coming year. If you can’t wait for me to post about it, go ahead and shoot me an email. This rainbow ate a big dry today.

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