Truckee River Fishing Report-Discounted Guide Trips-12-2-14

This has been a long time coming. Over two months since I’ve done a fishing report on the Truckee River. That was the last day I guided the river, it was marginal then, and that was in California. In Nevada the water was staggering low over the last three months, some fished it, most didn’t. If you were one that didn’t fish the river during those hard times we had at the end of summer and fall, I commend you, you did the right thing. I think myself and fellow Truckee River anglers got the word out. Right now the river is in good shape. I’m not saying we are out of the woods, but compared to the flows we had in the river over the last few months, and compared to historical winter flows, we are in good shape. She’s been a little battered and bruised and hopefully we won’t see her like that again. As I write this, the river is around 220 cfs here in the Hirsch and rising, little higher in the canyons, lower through Reno mostly, and higher again East of Sparks through the Nature Conservancy. With heavy precip today and more tomorrow, I’m guessing the river will come up at least another 100 cfs. Depending on how much liquid makes it’s way over the crest will determine what the flows end up at. We will have good flows all over the river, hell, I’ll probably stick the drift boat in on the lower stuff this week. Was thinking that wasn’t going to happen until next year. The big question is if the Truckee River is ok to fish again. I’d say positively yes at these flows. I went out for a few hours yesterday, few hours the other day, stuck some fish and they look and fought great. It felt great, and at first a little strange after such a long hiatus. One thing I am worried about is that most of the flow, at least half, is coming out of Boca Reservoir right now, not from rain and snow melt entering the river. We all know how low Boca is and I’m not sure how long these flows can hold out unless we continue to get some big Pacific storms. Let’s keep our fingers crossed. We may have been saved.

For the next couple months, we’ll say to the end of January, I’m offering a discounted rate on guide trips to get you guys stoked on the Truckee River again (flows permitting of course). Figure it’d be like having 75% of the mountain open if I were a ski resort, discounted lift tickets so to speak. In case you don’t know, the Truckee River is a great winter time fishery, hell it often times fishes better in winter than it does in the summer. I’ll put the drift boat in too and float you for the same full day price as listed below. Guide trips always include flies, usually shit that I’ve tied myself and no one else has seen, plus you get to hang out with Elliot, World’s No 1 fishing dog. $225.00 for a half day, 1-2 people, and $325.00 for a full day, 1-2 people. Come up and get stoked on the T again!

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