Still good consistent fishing here on the Truckee River. A little break the last few days from the normal summer patterns here in the Tahoe-Reno area with some cloud cover and cool day time highs. That should all change this weekend as hot weather will settle in. Hit it in the mornings and get the hell out. That’s how I look at things. Wait until near dark, get some tall cans and some caddis, and throw them up into some rising fish. Be prepared to share the river with a lot of people. The whole town of Truckee and Lake Tahoe will be a shit show this week, even the Hirsch will look the Wall Mart parking lot. Be courteous to everyone, share the river, and be very aware of the fire danger we have in our area this year. In my line of work, I am very fortunate to meet a lot of great people, some become friends, and some of the friends come back and fish with me every year. I’ve had a great week.